Forthcoming Events

CICA - ESCAP side event on "Leveraging digital innovation for sustainable development in Asia and the Pacific"

Date and time: Wednesday, 24 April 2024, 12:45-14:00 (Bangkok time, GMT+7)

Venue: United Nations Conference Center, Bangkok, Thailand

Host: CICA Secretariat, ESCAP Secretariat with the support of the SONCA ESCAP

Participants: Experts from the relevant ministries and agencies, academia from CICA and ESCAP countries, UN representatives, delegates of the 80th ESCAP Session, Bangkok’s diplomatic corps.

Recognizing the importance of regional partnerships, the event aims to explore the potential of CICA and ESCAP collaboration for the benefit of sustainable development in Asia and the Pacific. Through initiatives like sustainable digitalization and green technologies, digital solutions can propel progress in healthcare, education, trade, agriculture, natural disaster management and environmental conservation, aligning with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This proposed side event marks an important initial step towards realizing the shared vision of CICA and ESCAP for the benefit of Asia and the Pacific.

For more information: Senior Officer Mr. Arkadii Koshcheev, email:, Expert Dr. Ugur Turan, email:

